Whiskey & Raspberry Chocolate Mousse


Challenges of Alcoholic Mousse

Adding alcohol to anything that needs to set(mousse, ice cream, cheesecake, etc) lowers the freezing and cooling temperature of your mixture. This means it needs to be much colder than it otherwise would in order to set. Most alcoholic recipes struggle for this reason and end up being a runny or undesirable texture.

This recipes gets around that by using a stabilizing agent that doesn’t rely on chilling. Egg whites are basis for most fluffy things in our lives. They’re the reason that you see bubbles in cakes. While they can be temperamental and easily deflated, adding sugar and salt naturally stabilizes the egg whites and makes them easier to handle.


Whiskey & Raspberry Chocolate Mousse

Simone Peironnet | 3/1/2021

  • prep time: 10

  • cook time: 30

  • total time: 40

Servings: 20


  • 3/4 Cup Dark(65%+) Chocolate Bar or Dark Chocolate Chips

  • 2 Tbsp Butter

  • 4 Tbsp Strong Coffee (chilled), do not omit even if you don't like coffee, the coffee greatly enhances the flavour of the chocolate

  • 4 Tbsp Whiskey (I use Tincup*)

  • 2 Eggs, separate into yolks & whites

  • 3 Tbsp White/Golden Sugar, do not sub or omit for healthier alternative, this chemically acts as a stabilizer you need

  • 1 Pinch of Salt

  • 1/2 Cup Raspberries, muddled

  • 1 Cup Heavy Whipping Cream

  • Chunks Chocolate Bar, to be shaved for garnish

  • 1 Cup Heavy Whipping Cream OR Vegan Whipped Cream, for topping

  • A Handful of Raspberries for Garnsih, halved

  • 20 Disposable Shot Glasses OR 20 2oz. Containers


  1. Prepare a double boiler over medium heat. This is a heat proof bowl set over a pot of water. Once the water is simmering but not boiling, add butter, coffee, chocolate to the bowl. Using a rubber spatula/wooden spoon, gently stir until the butter is fully melted and the chocolate is fully incorporated. Once the mixture is melted, but still streaky, IMMEDIATELY remove from heat. Continue stirring without heat until the streaks are negligable. If your chocolate breaks (splits into 2 layers of oil and chocolate) you have to start over, unfortunately recovery is not an option. Your chocolate should be shiny and silky smooth.

  2. Allow your chocolate mixture to cool for a few seconds, and then stir in the whiskey. If the mixture is too hot, you may burn off the alcohol.

  3. Prepare your double boiler with a new bowl, make sure your water is still simmering. Separate your eggs into yolks and whites. Take your yolks and put into the bowl with 1 tbsp sugar. Whisk together until just foamy to cook slightly. This should take less than 30 seconds. Remove from heat and fold into chocolate/whiskey mixture. Turn off stove.

  4. In another bowl combine egg whites and salt. Using a whisk, beat your whites until they form stiff peaks. One way to see if these are stiff enough is to hold it over your head to see if it falls on you. Another, more preferable way, is to use the egg whites hanging on the tip of your whisk to draw a figure 8 on the rest of your beaten whites. If the 8 holds it shape for more than 4 seconds, they are stiff enough.

  5. Take your remaining 2 tbsp sugar and slowly beat it into your egg whites. Do NOT omit this sugar, it is a natural stabilizer that reacts with the egg whites to help them maintain their structure. Very, very gently fold your egg whites into your chocolate mixture.

  6. In a small bowl take your 1/2 cup of raspberries and muddle them(crush them) until they're on the more liquid side of chunky. Once you have this rasberry paste, take a large spoonful and stir through gently. In order to obtain raspberry swirls, only stir once or twice per spoonfuls. Do this extremely gently so that you do not beat the air out of your egg whites.

  7. Beat whipping cream(or vegan sub) until soft peaks form. Take 1/2 the whipped cream and gently fold into the chocolate mixture. Set aside the other 1/2 whipped cream.

  8. Take out your disposable shot glass or 2oz containers. Divide the mixture equally into containers. Clean up edges with a paper towel. Take your remaining whipped cream and put 1 large spoonful on top of each container. Take garnishing raspberries and place 1-2 on top of each whipped cream spoonful. Using a grater, shave your remaining chocolate on top of each container.

  9. Cover carefully without disturbing garnish and refridgerate. If you do not cover, your whipped cream may take on a fridge taste. Chill for 15 minutes.

  10. Serve cold and enjoy!

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